Be sure to check out the Honour List and my Trophy Case! 6/25/2024
I have setup an award called "Best of the Best Award" This award will ONLY be given out to quality* homepages (any type of homepages, except contain adult content ^^;).
There is embedded a unique ID on every award to prevent illegal usage.
That is, the site will only get the Best of the Best Award only it deserves the name Best of the Best! You still think that your site(site to be norminate) is qualify?
Ok, go ahead and fill out the following form. A person will review your site shortly.
Quality is stand for (In order of importance)
-1- Richful content -2- Billiant design -3- Unique style (original)
-4- Ease of surfing -5- Speed and stability
Nominate site Name:
Nominate site URL: Required

Honour list